
Stadsbader is level B certified for concrete repair. This demonstrates thorough knowledge and experience in the profession.

Level A

Companies with a Level A certificate may perform repairs for which the diagnosis has already been made in the specifications and for which both the treatment and the type of products are described. This level of certification means that we qualify for public sector works, among others.

Level B

Since Stadsbader holds a level B certificate, we already meet level A and, in addition, we are allowed to determine and apply our own execution method, as well as choose our products, systems and techniques ourselves. This level of certification makes us eligible for large works in the private sector, among others.

Sites already completed: Renovation of the Kattesas (Nieuwpoort), De Pinte (bridge N60 over the E17), Cantillana, Ecotunnel (Marke Kortrijk), E17 Kortrijk (Tournai towards Ghent) and the bridges over the E34 at Retie, Mol Postel, N60 (railroad bridge at Nazareth), Bridge Kanaal - Kortrijk Bossuit, Renovation of the Boorsem flyover, slingerviaduct Zwijnaarde.