Stadsbader is a family business and is currently run by the third generation. The typical values and personal approach are carried forward as the company grows. 

Stadsbader puts corporate governance first, both within its own operations and for its partners within the value chain. Suppliers and subcontractors are surveyed and evaluated through a uniform methodology. In this way, the company aims to assume its role to increase awareness throughout the industry.


Stadsbader obtained several certificates recognizing the sustainable and quality aspect within the company's Governance.

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • VCA

View our certificates


Stadsbader has obtained several awards, both at project level (Safety Awards for various projects obtained from our clients) and at company level.

In addition to recognition from external partners, these awards recognize all employees within the organization who are committed to the structural improvements and sustainable initiatives within the company.

  • Family Business Award of Excellence 2021 (EY)
  • Manage Engine Excellence Award for our approach to cybersecurity in July 2022
  • Best Managed Companies - Gold member

Initiatives, sector federations and programs

Finally, Stadsbader participates in several initiatives, sector federations and programs. For example, Stadsbader is a member of CEOs4Climate, a network of climate-conscious entrepreneurs. Through the Green Board of sector federation ADEB-VBA (large Belgian construction companies), Stadsbader contributes to accelerating the energy transition of buildings by facilitating the sustainable approach to projects. 

Through the VBA, Stadsbader is also represented within the Belgian Alliance for Sustainable Construction (BA4SC).

  • KIS
  • VSOR
  • Denuo
  • Tracimat
  • BA4SC