
CO2 performance ladder

Stadsbader's ambition is to drastically reduce CO2 emissions.

Stadsbader's ambition is to drastically reduce CO2 emissions. These efforts can be quantified through the CO2 Performance Ladder. This is a certifiable management system that encourages companies to reduce CO2 structurally, within operations and on projects as well as in the supply chain.

Stadsbader is one of the first contractors in Belgium to hold the highest level (5) of the CO2 Awareness Certificate. This means that not only are our own emissions calculated and reduced (scope 1+2), but also the emissions of the chain partners (scope 3: upstream and downstream).

1. Insights

At Stadsbader, CO2 emissions have been accurately mapped since 2019. Values are classified according to location for both Production Sites and Offices, for Transportation and for Equipment (yards), among others. These measurements will be increasingly refined, expanded and automated in the future to monitor the evolution and quantify the results of our efforts.


* Turnover adjusted with the consumer price index
** The figures for Scope 3 are only known from 2021

Stadsbader achieved a 20% reduction in 2023 for Scope 1, 2, and 3 combined, compared to 2021.

2. Objectives

The renewed objective of Stadsbader is to emit 50% less CO2 by 2030 (relative to consolidated turnover), in line with the Science Based Targets (Paris Climate Agreement).

This means that Stadsbader, compared to the reference year 2021, has new relative targets for Scope 1 (-50%), Scope 2 (-100%), and Scope 3 (-35%) by 2030.


Turnover is adjusted with the consumer price index to consider the real evolution in emissions.



3. Reduction measures

Various measures have been defined to further reduce CO2 emissions. Working groups have been established within the organization, and campaigns have been launched to raise awareness among employees and aim for maximum involvement.

Measurable KPIs with corresponding objectives have been established for each of these measures, spread over several years.

Concrete measures for Scope 1+2 include:


  • Provide LED lighting 
  • 100% green electricity
  • Increased own production of green power (installation of solar panels and wind turbine)

Production/storage locations

  • Alternative energy source for heating asphalt (e.g., hydrogen)
  • Dry storage of raw materials
  • Produce greater proportion of low-temperature asphalt
  • Avoid losses (e.g. compressed air leaks)
  • Periodic maintenance

Transportation & logistics

  • Organize eco-driving training
  • Stay overnight for remote construction sites
  • Optimize distances and loading
  • Optimize machine planning
  • Use pool cars to avoid driving heavy equipment home
  • Electrify the fleet and install charging stations

Construction Sites

  • Provide as many fixed power connections as possible
  • Minimize idle rate of machines
  • Organize ‘The New Driving’ training
  • Use hybrid machines

Concrete measures for Scope 3 have also been included:

Raw materials

  • Use circular raw materials where possible (e.g., concrete and asphalt granulates)
  • Raise awareness for accurate estimation of raw material use
  • Concrete: Research practical applications of innovative alternatives to cement
  • Steel: Innovative techniques for alternative reinforcement


  • Use raw materials that can be transported sustainably (e.g., sandstone instead of porphyry)
  • Innovate to track and optimize transport distances
  • Invest in alternative transport methods (e.g., inland shipping)
  • Reduce energy consumption of transport (e.g., cover loads)


  • Raise awareness and involve suppliers and subcontractors in CO2 emission reporting and reduction 


  • Building materials: Raise awareness and innovate to limit surpluses and reuse internally
  • Asphalt: Innovate and monitor to avoid overproduction

4. Transparency

To implement the measures and achieve the objectives, the cooperation of the entire organization is necessary. Stadsbader aims to achieve this through transparent communication with employees, for example, via digital newsletters, posters, and stickers, through signage on construction sites, and toolbox meetings. In this way, Stadsbader tries to make each employee and value chain partner aware of their impact.

5. Participation

In addition to the various reduction measures, Stadsbader actively participates in various sustainability initiatives within the sector or reduction programs of governments or NGOs, such as:

  • CO2 Working Group within the Green Board of the sector association ADEB-VBA
  • KIS (Knowledge Center for Innovative Remediation Techniques)
  • RecymaBuild+ (a collaboration with various companies and KU Leuven on sustainable reuse of concrete rubble)
  • Concrete Agreement Flanders
  • VOKA Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Stadsbader commits to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations)

6. Projects favouring certain suppliers

Companies that score well on the ladder can receive an award advantage in tenders. This was the case for Stadsbader for the following projects. The goal is always to implement at least the relevant company measures with the corresponding individual targets. If possible, site-specific measures are developed.

Already completed with achievement of objectives:

  • Bissegem – Rebuilding road bridge
  • Merelbeke – Structural Maintenance N444

Almost completed:

  • Kortrijk – Construction of traffic interchange R8/A19

Significant CO2 reduction is achieved here through the use of fixed power connections, transport of soil by ship, and the construction of temporary site roads.

Recently started:

  • Ghent – Conversion of R4 West and East to primary roads (R4WO)

No award advantage was obtained for this project, but each partner within the contractor consortium was required to achieve a Level 5 CO2 Awareness Certificate (highest). The concrete objectives will be announced soon.

7. Documents and links

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